Publications, newspaper articles and translated books
Here you will find my publications or newspaper articles on the subject of interpreting and translation which I have contributed to in recent years. To begin with, my master’s thesis on the topic of humor in simultaneous interpreting. It is also available as a paper copy. Contact me, and I will be happy to send you a copy by mail.
Master thesis on Humour in Simultaneous Interpretation
Translated books
100 sensationelle Schweizerinnen
Schweizer Guetzli und andere Leckereien
Eine Aussenpolitik für die Schweiz im 21. Jahrhundert
Newspaper articles
Sie ist das Sprachrohr für Opfer und Täter
Dolmetscher/-innen im Einsatz bei der Kantonspolizei Bern
Fremdsprachen lernen braucht es bald nicht mehr?
And last but not least, a link to the award-winning film The Hearing by Lisa Gehrig, in which I participated as an interpreter.